Press release


Ljubljana, 1 June 2023 – Steel is the most recycled material in the world. At SIJ Acroni and SIJ Metal Ravne of the SIJ Group, they produce it from steel scrap using recycling technology. As a result, they are already now polluting the environment less than 70% of the world's steel producers. However, they have set themselves an ambitious target in the 2020-2030-2050 Decarbonisation Plan, committing to halve their specific carbon dioxide emissions by 2030.

With its two steelworks, the SIJ Group ranks among the modern recycling steelworks in Europe that produce steel by using secondary raw materials and their own steel scrap in electric arc furnaces. The SIJ Group's CO₂ intensity is already below the global average. By decommissioning the blast furnaces and introducing recycling technology, the SIJ Group has already over three decades ago achieved a level of CO₂ intensity that is now considered a benchmark in the steel industry and in line with circular economy principles. They are closing more and more material cycles and increasing the volume of waste that gets classified and sorted. And in 2022 some 97.6% of industrial waste was reused, recycled, or otherwise recovered, putting them firmly on their way to achieving zero waste.

With the recent adoption of the SIJ Group's 2020-2030-2050 Decarbonisation Plan, supported by an investment plan estimated at EUR 70 million, Slovenia's largest steel group has set itself a new ambitious target: by 2030, they will have reduced their specific emissions from steel production by 51% compared to 2020. They aim to be carbon neutral by 2050.

The SIJ Group's 2020-2030-2050 Decarbonisation Plan includes measures for all scopes of emissions – for emissions the Group is directly responsible for (Scope 1), for indirect emissions (Scope 2), and for the impact of its operations on emissions in the supply chain (Scope 3). They calculate the carbon footprint according to the ISO 14404:2013 international standard. They will continue to modernise and optimise their production processes and increase energy efficiency to reduce their specific emissions. The key measures planned are the upgrading of furnaces and burner technologies, substituting natural gas with electrical energy, replacing natural gas with hydrogen, recovering excess heat, using biomass, and optimising production with advanced IT tools.

By the end of 2023, they plan to be certified to the stringent ResponsibleSteel standard, making them one of the most responsible and sustainable steel producers in the world.

With their steels and steel products, the SIJ Group is a reliable partner in Europe's green breakthrough, as they develop and produce steel with a low carbon footprint. In cooperation with long-standing customers, they are working on new solutions for applications that will contribute significantly to the transition to a low-carbon society. The first of these is e-mobility, where their steels will indirectly contribute to reducing emissions by making car and freight vehicle structures lighter. In addition, their steel is used to make fuel cells in electric vehicle engines, electric motor cores for electric vehicle drivetrains and battery casings for electric vehicles. Instead of using acids, as other steel companies do, their electrical steel production process uses sandblasting, an award-winning innovation, and a more environmentally friendly process. By investing in production capacities and the development of new technologies in the field of electrical steel, SIJ Acroni is also one of the strategic partners of the GREMO (GREen MObility) Mission, which significantly contributes to strengthening the position of the Slovenian automotive industry as one of the European centres for the development of green and sustainable mobility.

In the field of renewable energy, such as wind, hydro and geothermal power, steel is used to make turbines. It is also used in the construction of nuclear reactors for existing and experimental technologies, such as fusion and fission. For example, SIJ Metal Ravne steel is already part of the ITER Tokamak, the world's largest fusion reactor.

The steel industry is one of the most important industries in Europe. According to the European Steel Association, the steel industry directly employs 310,000 people at 500 production sites in 22 EU Member States and indirectly impacts 2.27 million jobs. It generates EUR 125 billion in gross added value for the EU economy and is part of the solution and a partner in Europe's transition to a low-carbon society. It is committed to reducing carbon dioxide emissions, introducing energy-efficient technologies and recycling, and reusing raw materials. The method of production using secondary raw materials accounts for approx. 40% of the steel produced in Europe. The steel industry is an indispensable industry, creating steels for applications that will make a key contribution to the transition to a low-carbon society. The SIJ Group is part of a European steel family that is already living the circular economy.



SIJ – Slovenian Steel Group is one of the leading producers of stainless steel and special steels in Europe. We are committed to global and European climate goals and operate in line with circular economy principles. With our steel and steel products, we are the right partner for facilitating the green transition in Europe. We are aiming to confirm our sustainability credentials by achieving certification to the stringent ResponsibleSteel standard by the end of 2023. This will position us as one of the most responsible and sustainable steel producers in the world. Our two largest companies are modern recycling steelworks, and our steel is recycled because it is made from steel scrap. With more than 3,800 employees, we are one of the largest employers in Slovenia and a pillar of the Slovenian steel sector. We are one of Slovenia's leading exporters. About 85% of our revenue is generated in foreign markets.


More information:

SIJ – Slovenska industrija jekla, d.d.

Sara Wagner, Head of Corporate Communications

Corporate Communications

Telephone: +386 1 242 98 27

Mobile phone: +386 41 313 532


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