The future is built on solid foundation of the past
Development of ironworks and iron working plants on the territory of Slovenia.
First EAF
First EAF at SIJ Acroni was opened in 1940.
First EAF at SIJ Metal Ravne was opened in 1952.
Merged company of Slovenian Steelworks (Jesenice, Ravne, Štore).
Introduction of ESR technology
One of the first in the world to implement modern and sustainable steel production using the Electro Slag Remelting (ESR) process.
Closing of the Last Blast Furnace
Termination of the last blast furnaces. Since then, SIJ Group has been engaged in sustainable steel production using exclusively steel scrap.
Slovenian independence and restructuring of the Slovenian steel industry.
Acroni and Metal Ravne
Establishment of the companies Acroni and Metal Ravne – today known as SIJ Acroni, the largest steel company of the SIJ Group, and SIJ Metal Ravne, now the second largest steel producer in the SIJ Group.
Privatisation of Slovenian steel industry finalised.
SIJ – Slovenian Steel Group
Slovenian Steelworks system renamed to SIJ – Slovenian Steel Group.
New Ownership
Setting up the current ownership structure consisting of Dilon d.o.o. 72.223%, the Republic of Slovenia 25.001%, treasury shares 2.775%, and other shareholders 0.001%.
The beginning of an era of intensive investments in modernizing and increasing production capacities according to sustainability principles, amounting to over 870 million euros. The focus was shifted towards products with higher added value for niche steel markets and strengthening market positions – also by introducing steel brands, developing and innovating, reinforcing sustainable operational principles, and vertical integration (centre for the collection and processing of steel scrap; sales-service steel centres; slag processing).
Vertical Integration
The start of intense vertical integration with the acquisition of the steel scrap collection and recycling company Odpad Pivka, which has an extensive network of companies in the Balkans (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia). This enables a higher level of independence from the conditions in the global steel scrap market.
Investment in a new heavy forging press and renovation of the rod rolling mill at SIJ Metal Ravne.
Investment in a new continuous casting slab machine at SIJ Acroni and a new forging caster at SIJ Metal Ravne.
Accelerated Vertical Integration
The start of accelerated vertical integration with the acquisition of sales and service centres in Slovenia, Italy, and Germany.
New quarto plate transport line
Investment in a new quarto plate transport line at SIJ Acroni, enabling continuous transport, handling, cutting, cooling, and stacking of plates, and the beginning of upgrading the quarto plate warehouse at SIJ Acroni.
Investment in a third Electro Slag Remelting Plant (EAF3) for steelmaking under slag (EAF3) at SIJ Metal Ravne and in a new rolling mill framework at SIJ Acroni.
Investments in SIJ Ravne Systems
Investment in the refurbishment of the 40/45 MN forging press and the third vacuum furnace for heat treatment of knives at SIJ Ravne Systems (formerly SIJ Noži Ravne).
Expansion of Service and Sales Network
Continued intensive activities to expand the company's own service and sales network and vertical integration. Recently, companies in Asia, the United Kingdom, and the United States joined the existing companies in key export markets (Germany, Italy, USA).
Upgraded EAF and VOD
Investment in the upgrade of the 45-ton high-performance electric arc furnace (EOP/UHP) and a new 45-ton vacuum ladle furnace (VOD), whose technology allows the production of the most demanding specialty steels.
Signing of the World Steel Association's Sustainability Development Charter
Focused on reducing environmental impact and committing to seven commitments aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
New Heat Treatment Line
Investment in a new heat treatment line for quarto plates (HTL) that integrates three previously separate processing steps, enabling efficient production of products for the most demanding applications.
SIJ Brands
Strengthening of the position in key markets and market segments with launching own product steel brands.
SIJ Ravne Systems is established
The third largest company in the SIJ Group is established, through the merger of the existing companies Noži Ravne and Serpa with the acquired company Sistemska tehnika.
AOD converter
Launch of the AOD converter at SIJ Acroni to increase production capacity for stainless and special steels and strengthen the company's position in niche steel markets.
ITER Fusion Reactor
SIJ Acroni and SIJ Metal Ravne contributed to the creation of the world’s largest fusion reactor by supplying high-grade austenitic stainless and corrosion-resistant steel SINOXX 4404 for the non-nuclear test reservoir, flanges and very demanding parts of the tokamak reactor.
Further vertical integration with the acquisition of the slag processing company Harsco Minerals.
Slag, which was once a waste product, is now a by-product that is processed and mostly used in our own production processes, with a portion marketed for construction, road building, and environmental remediation, significantly contributing to the circular economy.
Sustainability Charter with the World Steel Association
71 globally significant steel companies, including the SIJ Group, signed the Sustainability Charter with the World Steel Association. By signing, we committed to operating according to seven principles of sustainable development in the steel industry, aligned with the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
RSC Holding
Establishment of a leading toolmaking support centre in the region by transforming SIJ Ravne Steel Centre into RSC Holding, a company 51% owned by SIJ d.d., which encompasses several companies supporting the toolmaking industry.
SIJ Metal Ravne entered the aerospace and space industries by obtaining the EN 9100 certification,
which allows the SIJ Group to penetrate the market for high-quality and technologically advanced products.
Fourth Electro Slag Remelting Plant
Launch of the fourth electro slag remelting plant (ESR4) at SIJ Metal Ravne for the production of cleaner steels with better forming properties for the most demanding industries.
Adoption of the SIJ Group’s Sustainability Strategy through 2030
Achievement of sustainable development goals will be monitored with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria and sustainability reporting according to GRI standards.
Decarbonization Plan
SIJ Ravne Systems Brands
Establishment of four new brands at SIJ Ravne Systems for steel products (SIROLLS for high-alloy rolls, SIKNIVES for industrial knives) and services (SIMATEC for maintenance and machine engineering, SILABS for laboratory services).
SIJ Middle East
Establishment of a new company, SIJ Middle East, to expand sales activities in the Middle East.
Adoption of the SIJ Group’s Decarbonization Plan 2020‒2030‒2050;
issuance of the Sustainability Financial Framework and preparation of a Second Party Opinion (SPO).
Successful issuance of sustainability bonds
Financial resources amounting to 19 million euros, obtained through the sale of bonds labeled SIJ8, will be used to diversify long-term financing sources and fund long-term investments in production technology, including environmental protection and increasing energy efficiency.
Obtaining of ResponsibleSteel certification,
positioning the SIJ Group among the most responsible and sustainable steel producers in the world.
Investment in the modernization of the non-oriented electrical steel heat treatment line at SIJ Acroni
to establish conditions for producing the most demanding SIWATT electrical steels for motors, considered the heart of future electric vehicles.
Noži 2.0
Completion of the investment to increase performance, eliminate bottlenecks, and optimize and automate production processes under the Noži 2.0 program at SIJ Ravne Systems
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Head of Corporate Communications