Jesenice, August 1 2018 – SIJ Acroni from the SIJ Group has taken over the operations and equipment for processing slag from Harsco Minerali, with whom it had closely collaborated. The purpose of the take-over is to solidify SIJ Group's operations according to the circular economy and vertical integration principles since SIJ Acroni shall henceforth process the slag – the by-product in the steel production – to be reused in the production process or market it as an input material for other industries.

On August 1, SIJ Acroni has taken over the operations and equipment of Harsco Minerali and invited its employees to a future collaboration. That way, SIJ Acroni shall gain the extensive knowledge of employees regarding raw material recycling and finding sustainable solutions that shall return precious raw materials back to the production line and benefit the environment as much as possible.
"Taking over the operations of Harsco Minerali is an important step for SIJ Acroni and the entire SIJ Group in order to establish a more effective and environmentally friendly production. Steelworks is one of the most exemplary cases of a circular economy as we produce products from recycled steel and metal. What was once production waste, as is the case with white and black slag, is now being changed into by-products," said Tibor Šimonka, SIJ Group Management Board Member.
SIJ Acroni shall process slag under the same method than hitherto in accordance with the highest environmental standards, legislature, and the Industry Emissions Directive (IED). Last year, Harsco Minerali processed 200,000 tons of SIJ Acroni's slag and a total of 950,000 tons of white and black slag since 2011.

Black slag, produced as a by-product in the production of non-alloy steels in electric arc furnaces, is used as an aggregate for asphalt mixtures and other engineering solutions after processing. Mineral product from the processing of white slag is used for the construction of all types of engineering embankments, remediation of landfills, etc. Mineral wool, used for thermal, acoustic and fire insulation, can be obtained from white slag.
"Aside from continuously reducing our impact on the environment, which is one of the top priorities at SIJ Acroni, by taking over the equipment and operations of Harsco Minerali we shall process what was once waste material into a by-product that we shall use in the subsequent production process or sell as an input material for construction, road construction, and environment remediation," said SIJ Acroni Managing Director mag. Branko Žerdoner.

The SIJ Group is the largest vertically integrated metallurgical group in Slovenia, occupying with its products leading positions on European and global niche steel markets. Alongside the Metallurgy Division (its core business), the SIJ Group is also composed of the Poultry Division (the Perutnina Ptuj Group). Together, the two divisions created revenues of 1.012 billion Euros in 2017, 103.8 million Euros of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA), and a net profit of 15 million Euros. Both divisions created most of the 2017 revenues in foreign markets. Steel exports amounted to 821.5 million Euros, which is 81.1 percent of the total revenues.

Further information:
SIJ – Slovenian Steel Industry, d.d.
Mag. Sara Wagner, Head of Corporate Communication
Telephone: +386 1 242 98 27
Mobile phone: +386 41 313 532

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