Under the SILABS brand, we offer a wide range of laboratory services, which include chemical analysis, calibrations, non-destructive and destructive tests, as well as training.
SILABS is the largest system of connected industrial laboratories in Slovenia, which boasts high professional support and solutions adapted to the specific needs of our customers.
All laboratories have established quality systems according to relevant standards and are accredited by Slovenian Accreditation, which guarantees independence, impartiality and international comparability of test results.
Head of sales program Laboratories

The laboratory for the calibration boasts many years of extensive experience in the field of calibrations. We are equipped with state-of-the-art measuring equipment, which enables us to meet the wide range of needs of our customers. The laboratory is accredited by Slovenian accreditation (accreditation certificate LK-004) as a calibration laboratory and meets the requirements of the SIST EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard.
We have developed and accredited more than 70 calibration procedures covering various areas, including dimensional quantities (length, angle), mechanical quantities (force, mass, pressure, momentum, hardness, mechanical energy), temperature measurements, fluid quantities and devices for non-destructive testing. Our offer also includes measurement on a 3D coordinate measuring machine and services in the laboratory or at the customer's location. This ensures accurate and reliable measurements that meet the highest quality standards.
All measurement calibration services can be viewed at the link.
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Chemical laboratory
In the chemical laboratories, we have established a quality system according to the requirements of the SIST EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard, which ensures the independence and impartiality of the laboratories and the international comparability of the test results.
Chemical laboratories are accredited by the Slovenian Accreditation in the field of sampling and analysis of waste water, waste and their extracts, and steel - SIJ Acroni - accreditation certificate LP-047, SIJ Metal Ravne - accreditation certificate LP-112.
For our activity in the field of monitoring, we have been granted authorization by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning for waste water emission monitoring and waste assessment.
We provide services in accordance with national and international standards with modern measuring equipment. We also develop and adapt test methods to your needs.
Parameter | Method
Sampling| SIST ISO 5667-10
Temperature | SIST DIN 38404-C4
PH value | SIST ISO 10523
Homogenization of the sample | SIST DIN – A30
Undissolved substances | SIST ISO 11923
Settling substances | SIST DIN 38409-H9
Chromium - hexavalent | SIST ISO 11083
Iron | SIST ISO 6332
Chlorine | SIST EN ISO 7393-2 mod.
Total chlorine | SIST EN ISO 7393-2 mod.
Fluoride, chloride, orthophosphate, nitrate, sulfate | SIST EN ISO 10304-2 mod F
Total phosphorus and orthophosphorus | SIST EN ISO 6878
Nitrite nitrogen | SIST EN 26777
KPK | DIN 38409 H 41
BPK 5 | SIST EN 1899-1, SIST EN 1899-2
Ammonium nitrogen | SIST ISO 7150 /1
Non-volatile lipophilic substances | Ekstrakcija – gravimetrija
Electrical conductivity | SIST ISO 27888
Metals (Cr, Ni, Zn, Pb, Mn, Cu, Cd, Al) | ISO 11885
TOC, DOC | ISO 8245
Total Nitrogen | SIST EN 12260
Parameter | Method
Waste sampling | SIST EN 14899, in connection with SIST TP CEN/TR 15350-1/5
Waste characterization | SIST EN 16192
Waste leaching | SIST EN 12457-4
Sušina (105 ˚C) | SIST EN 14346, metoda A
Radiant loss (550 ˚C) | SIST EN 15169
PH | SIST ISO 10523
Electrical conductivity | SIST EN 27888
Total dissolved solids | SIST EN 15216
Metals and anions | standard methods for wastewater analysis
TOC | SIST EN 13137
Parameter | Method
Low, medium and high alloy steels, gray cast iron | acid decomposition, microwave decomposition
Al, As, B, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Sb, Si, Sn, Ti, V, W, Zn | titrimetry, gravimetry, SPF, AAS
C, S, O2, N2 | LECO
Al, As, B, Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Sb, Si, Sn, Ti, V, W, Zn, C, S | ICP-OES, OES, XRF
Analysis of low and medium alloy steels by X-ray emission spectrometry | ASTM E 1085-95
Analysis of high alloy steels by X-ray emission spectrometry | ASTM E 572-02a
Determination of nitrogen content in steels | ISO 15351
Parameter | Method
ALUMINIUM (Al, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Mn, Fe, Si, Mg, Ti) | ICP-OES, AAS, SPF
ZINC (Zn, Cu, Pb, Al, Cd, Mn, Fe, Si, Mg, Sn) | ICP-OES, AAS, SPF
COPPER (Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Al, Mn, Fe, Si, Sn, C, S) | elektroliza, ICP-OES, AAS, SPF
NICKEL (Ni, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Mn, Fe, Si, Co, C) | ICP-OES, AAS, SPF, elektroliza
TIN (Sn, Pb, Zn, Cu, Al, Cd) | ICP-OES, AAS, SPF, titrimetrija
Non-destructive testing
We carry out standard non-destructive tests of semi-finished products and products made of steel and other materials in accordance with international standards and according to the procedures prescribed by the client. The laboratory staff is trained in accordance with EN ISO 9712.
Surface discontinuities on materials are detected by investigations with magnetic particles and liquid penetrants. To detect defects in forgings, castings and welded joints, we use examinations with ultrasound and radiography (iridium isotope - Ir192 and cobalt - Co60) and radioscopy (X-ray device - 450 kV).
The laboratory is accredited by Slovenian accreditation - accreditation certificate LP-107 as a testing laboratory in accordance with the SIST EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard for the field of investigations with penetrants and magnetic particles on metal forgings and castings, analysis of residual stresses and determination of residual austenite by deflection x-rays on steel products and semi-finished products, radiography of castings, ultrasonic examination of steel bars, steel forgings, flat steel products and steel castings.
Radiographic and radioscopic examinations are performed only in the laboratory, but ultrasound examinations, examinations with magnetic powders and examinations with liquid penetrants are also carried out in the field.
Examinations with magnetic powders for the detection of surface discontinuities on ferromagnetic materials. We use stationary and portable equipment for alternating and direct magnetization of products with currents of up to 8000 A, as well as colored and fluorescent powders for detection of interruptions.
We are also trained and equipped for demanding demagnetization of products and devices.
In our laboratory or in the field, we carry out the following accredited non-destructive tests:
SIST EN 10228-1:2016: Steel forgings
SIST EN 1369-1:2012: Cast iron
Testing of products made of various materials in accordance with other standards in accordance with the client's wishes (non-accredited service).
Liquid penetrant investigations for the detection of surface discontinuities on all types of solid materials using dye and fluorescent penetrant systems.
The laboratory is equipped for the manipulation of larger products weighing up to 10 tons and dimensions up to 2.5 m.
In our laboratory or in the field, we carry out the following accredited non-destructive tests:
SIST EN 10228-2:2016: Steel forgings
SIST EN 1371-1:2012: Cast iron
Testing of products made of various materials in accordance with other standards in accordance with the client's wishes (non-accredited service).
Ultrasonic examinations to detect defects in forgings and castings, welds and various machine parts, measurements of thicknesses and double layers. We use portable equipment and manual scanning with normal and angled heads.
In our laboratory or in the field, we carry out the following accredited non-destructive tests:
SIST EN 12680-1:2003: Steel castings
SIST EN 10160:2001: Flat products
SIST EN 10228-3:2016: Ferritic and martensitic steel forgings
SIST EN 10308:2002: Steel bars
Testing of products made of various materials in accordance with other standards in accordance with the client's wishes (non-accredited service).
Radiographic and radioscopic examinations for the detection of defects in castings and welded joints with:
a 450 kV x-ray machine and a real-time radioscopy system, which enables the examination of steel castings and welds up to a thickness of 70 mm
with the Ir-192 isotope for screening steel products up to a wall thickness of 90 mm
with the Co-60 isotope for sifting steel products up to a thickness of 150 mm
In our laboratory or in the field, we carry out the following accredited non-destructive tests:
SIST EN 12681-1:2018: Radiographic testing of cast iron
the possibility of radiographic screening with the isotopes Iridium-192 and Cobalt-60 up to a thickness of 200 mm
Inspection of products made of various materials with X-ray (radioscopy) in real time (non-accredited service).
Residual stresses and residual austenite are measured using a portable XRD (X-Ray Diffraction) device Xstress 3000 G2R, manufactured by Stresstech Group. The XRD method of measuring residual stress and residual austenite is a non-destructive method that is used to measure the surface of the product. To measure the value and determine the distribution of residual stresses and residual austenite in depth, it is possible to use the electropolishing process of the product. The device is portable and enables measurements to be carried out in the field or with the buyer.
The main advantages of the described measurement method and the use of the Xstress 3000 2GR measuring device are: accuracy and repeatability of measurements, the possibility of measuring surface and subsurface stresses, the speed of performing measurements and the low cost of each measurement.
In our laboratory or in the field, we carry out the following accredited non-destructive tests:
SIST EN 15305:2009: Measurement of residual stresses on steel products and semi-finished products
ASTM E975-13: Measurement of retained austenite on steel products and semi-finished products
Destructive testing
In the metallurgical laboratories, we have established a quality system according to the requirements of the SIST EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard, which ensures the independence and impartiality of the laboratories and the international comparability of the test results.
Metallurgical laboratories are accredited by Slovenian Accreditation in the field of mechanical tests (hardness measurement, tensile test, impact toughness test). The list of accredited measurements can be found on the Slovenian Accreditation website - accreditation document LP-112.
We provide services in accordance with national and international standards with modern measuring equipment. We also develop our own testing methods that we can adapt to your needs. As part of the metallurgical laboratories, in the sample workshop we make test pieces for carrying out tests in accordance with the standards, and in the laboratory tempering room we carry out all kinds of heat treatments in classic electrically heated tempering and blasting furnaces and in a vacuum furnace.
In cooperation with the metallurgical development and research department, we carry out the following investigations:
With an X-ray diffractometer, we determine the content of phases in steels, the content of residual austenite, oxides, corrosion products, etc.
With a dilatometer, we determine change points in steels, make continuous CCT and isothermal TTT diagrams, measure linear expansion coefficients and determine dimensional changes due to structural changes during heat treatment.
With the SEM/EDS microscope, we perform routine electron microscopy, EDS microanalysis of phases, measurement of line profiles of elements, measurement of the degree of segregation in steels, quantitative analysis of microscopic images, SEM fractography, 3D microscopy of fracture surfaces, etc.
We also measure the thermal conductivity of metals, ceramics, polymers and insulating materials at room and elevated temperatures.
A wide range of skills and laboratory equipment enables us to carry out comprehensive investigations, such as: analysis and optimization of the product, determining the cause of defects in materials, solving quality complaints, confirming the achievement of the required properties, etc.
If necessary and desired by the client, some investigations can also be carried out outside the premises of the laboratories.
Parameter | Method
Corrosion test according to ASTM A262 | met. B, met. C, met. E
Corrosion test according to SIST EN ISO 3561-2 | met. A, met. B, met. C
Corrosion test according to EURONORM | EURONORM 114
Parameter | Method
Hardness measurement HBW | SIST EN ISO 6506-1, ASTM A370, ASTM E10
Hardness measurement HRC | SIST EN ISO 6508-1, ASTM A370, ASTM E18
Hardness measurement HV | SIST EN ISO 6507-1
Microhardness measurement HV | SIST EN ISO 6507-1
Tensile test at room temperature | SIST EN ISO 6982-1, ASTM A370, ASTM E8/8M
Tensile test at elevated temperature (range 100 °C to 750 °C) | SIST EN ISO 6982-2, ASTM E21
Impact toughness test (range -70 °C to 100 °C, -196 °C) | SIST EN ISO 148-1, ASTM A370, ASTM E23
Other investigations: compression test, bending test, flattening test, fracture toughness evaluation and lateral expansion measurement.
Parameter | Method
Non-metallic inclusions | ASTM E45 met. A, met. C, DIN 50602 met. M, met. K, ISO 4967, GOST 1778
Annealed microstructure | NADCA, SEP 1520, SEP 1614, GOST 8233, CHRYSLER, BOEHLER, DIERGARTEN
Microstructural banding | NADCA, SEP1614, GOST 5640, DIERGARTEN
Grain size | ASTM E112, SNYDER – GRAFF, NFA4-102, EN 103
Arrangement of carbides | SEP 1520, SEP 1615, BOEHLER, interne tabele
Carbide grid | SEP 1520, GOST 8233
Size of carbides | interne tabele
Delta ferrite | GOST 11878, AMS 2315
Estimation of etching plate (macro investigations) | ASTM A561, ASTM E381, GOST801, interna tabela
Other investigations: evaluation of the depth of decarburization, proportion of microstructural components, characterization of defects.
Training takes place in small groups (4-8 people) in the premises of the SIJ educational center. At the customer's request, the courses can also be held in their company.
The courses are held at the announced dates or when enough participants register for each course.
Control over criteria
Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing
Torque measurement
Ultrasound examination
Examination with liquid penetrants
Investigation with magnetic particles
Visual examination
Implementation of internal audits according to the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 quality system
Help in setting up the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 quality system
We collect applications:
via e-mail: meta.pikalo@ravnesystems.com
or telephone numbers +386 41 370 199 (Meta Pikalo).
See the certificates and accreditations of our laboratories.
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Head of sales program Laboratories